About Me
What are you detoxing from?
We all have a job to do in making the world a more inclusive place. Whether for ourselves, our loved ones, or those we have yet to meet, we all play a part in actively making a more inclusive world.
My name is Joe Shaw and back in 2016 I was a new parent and needed some help. How was I going to raise a thoughtful, intentional, and inclusive child when my own knowledge was sorely lacking? I took the time to create a podcast where I could educate myself and other young parents on topics related to inclusivity and The DTALKS Podcast is a direct result of those efforts.
Each episode is designed to allow you to "detox" from the world around you and give you a window into how other people live their lives. DTALKS stands for Dad Talks, think of me as the eager and inquisitive dad asking the questions you want the answers to. We all play a part in making a more inclusive world, so I'll ask you, what are you detoxing from?